경련과 허혈뇌졸증으로 발현된 심장섬유육종 남아 1례

경련과 허혈뇌졸증으로 발현된 심장섬유육종 남아 1례

A boy of cardiac fibrosarcoma presenting with seizure and ischemic stroke

Release Date :
Seong Hee Jeong1, Sang Ook Nam1, Young Mi Kim2, Gyu Min Yeon3 , Yun-Jin Lee1
Pusan National University School of Medicine Department of Pediatrics1
Pusan National University Hospital Department of Pediatrics2
Kosin University Gaspel Hospital Department of Pediatrics3
정성희1, 남상욱1, 김영미2, 연규민3 , 이윤진1
부산대학교 의학전문대학원 부산대어린이병원 소아청소년과1
부산대학교병원 소아청소년과2
고신대학교 복음병원 소아청소년과3


Introduction: The cerebrovascular complication of cardiac cancer can be one of rare causes of seizures in patients with neoplasms. However, primary cardiac tumors are a rare entity in children, and the prevalence is 0.027 to 0.08%. We report a boy diagnosed with cardiac fibrosarcoma presenting with seizure and hemiparesis. Case: A 7-year-old boy visited our emergency department presenting with sudden onset seizure of right facial twitching and right extremities. Initial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed venous engorgement involving the left hemisphere. Electroencephalography (EEG) had slow background activities over the left hemisphere. He had drowsy mentality following seizure, so was initially presumed with focal encephalitis. His right extremities were significantly hypotonic with the strength of grade 1 to 2/5 two days later since the first seizure. Follow-up MRI with angiography revealed acute infarction consistent with the left middle cerebral artery and multiple embolisms. Through the comprehensive examination for the causes of childhood stroke, a huge mass in mitral valve was found on echocardiogram. He was finally diagnosed with cardiac fibrosarcoma by cardiac biopsy and cytogenetic study. After that time, he started the medication of chemotherapy until now. Conclusion: Cardiac cancer in children is very rare and its outcome is poor. Pediatric physicians essentially must evaluate the cardiac etiology when they confront a child showing seizure with stroke sign.

Keywords: Cardiac mass, sarcoma, seizure, stroke, child , ,